Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do to prepare for my Facial?

For your facials please do not exfoliate 48 hours prior to your visit since you will be receiving a thorough treatment to include exfoliation with your facial.

What do I need to be aware of after my Facial?

Any aftercare or maintenance following your facial will be reviewed with you and your technician upon conclusion to include any follow-up appointments necessary.

What do I need to do to prepare for my Eyelash Extensions and or Microblading of my Eyebrows?

Most important to show up to your appointment completely without make-up on your face.

What do I need to be aware of after my Eyelash Extensions or Microblading services?

Please refrain from picking at the lashes or eyebrows. Your technician will inform you as to any follow-up appointments necessary.

What do I need to do to prepare for Waxing services?

For waxing, please allow your hair to be long enough to easily remove. You would not want it to be too short so unable to have the wax pick it up but also not too long as it would prevent the wax from adhering and cause you more pain. A nice balance is preferred of about two – three weeks of growth. Please make sure that the area of hair removal is also free of any broken skin or inflammation as services must not be rendered if those conditions exist. Gently exfoliate the areas of hair removal a day or two before. Not too harsh of a scrub please. You will also want to moisturize well on the days leading up to our visit (just not on the day of the visit) which will keep the skin soft and smooth and prevent ingrown hairs. Certain medications can sensitize skin to waxing. Retin-A Creams are great products, but they also leave skin susceptible to injury during waxing. Please stop taking Retinol based products two weeks prior to a waxing. Accutane users should stop taking their medications for a month before waxing but please consult your dermatologist for their recommendations. Finally on the day of your visit, bath or shower which will help open the follicles, allowing for easier hair removal and do not apply any lotions, soaps, make-up to the area to be waxed.

What do I need to be aware of after my Waxing services?

After waxing, you may notice the area to be red in that area. For the next 24 hours or so please do not touch or scratch or exfoliate the area. Always best to shower in colder temperature allowing for the water to simply run off the area without scrubbing. Do not exercise, swim, or steam. Do not sunbath for at least two days as the heat will cause you to perspire and infect the open follicles. Do not apply any products to the area such as make-up, deodorants, lotions, or the like. Keep area dry and clean and refrain from wearing tight fitted clothing.  

What is your Cancellation Policy?

We hope you can understand that any appointments cancelled with less than a 24 Hour notice will most likely necessitate a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the cost of the services or $50; whichever is less. I am a small business owner and often times I will be unable to fill your cancelled time slot without such notice. Thank you for your understanding.